
Games are played at Bryan Regional Athletic Complex (BRAC), Veterans Park (VPAC) and Bachman Park. The City of Bryan allows us to use the fields at BRAC for scheduled games only. Use of the fields for practice is prohibited and could result in a fine for the team.
Practice days, locations and times are up to the coach (usually with input from the players and parents).
Registration Money:
Your registration fee is used for: South Texas Yth Soccer Assoc. fee, Brazos Valley Yth Soccer Assoc. fee, Uniform, Equipment, Trophy, and Referees
Equipment Needed:
Your child is required to wear shin guards at practice and at games. Your child will not be allowed to play without shin guards. Soccer cleats are not required, but are recommended. Baseball cleats may not be worn.
Every new player will receive a shirt, shorts and socks. Returning players will wear their uniform from the Fall.
Bryan Soccer Club does its best to arrange for referees to be at all U8 and above games. However, the referees are independent of BSC and we have no control over whether or not a game has a referee.
Rain Outs:
If it is raining on game day, please check our Facebook page or with your coach.
If a storm moves in after play has started we may continue play depending on the severity of the storm. However, if thunder is heard or lightening is seen, games will be stopped and possibly cancelled for the day.
Players in older age groups are allowed to make coach or team requests. We will make every effort to honor that request but make no promises. There are some circumstances which will prevent us from honoring every request.
After registration, no refunds will be given except in medical cases.
This is a recreational league and your soccer club. There will be NO tolerance for excessive behavior at games such as:
yelling at players, referees, or coaches in a derogatory manner
belittling players
physical violence
If you witness this behavior, please bring it to our attention so that we can take action according to the “Parents Code of Conduct”. Thank you for your support of all of the children. Let’s have a fun season.

Online Registration Opens
In-Person Registration
Saturday January 25, 2025
Coaches Meeting, 9:00AM at BRAC
Saturday February 8, 2025
Meet the Coach, 10:00AM at BRAC Saturday February 8, 2025
First Game
Saturday February 22, 2025
Last Regular Game (U5-U8)
Saturday May 3, 2025
Possible Tournament (U10 and older)
Saturday May 3, 2025
Note: These dates are subject to change.


This is a volunteer-run organization.
BSC is always in need of people to help out.
Here’s how:
Coach – it is so rewarding!
Team Parent – help the coach and other parents.
Board Member – new members will be needed. Talk to a current board member and find out what you can do.
Concession stand
Age Group Coordinators:
Please call or talk to the appropriate coordinator if you have questions regarding your child’s league. Age coordinators can be found under the Contact Us section.
Please reach out to Susanna.